Revelers brave elements as world ushers in the new year

love will get through all the cold When we overcome the difficulties There’s the miracle over the rainbow Making the world a home All in one is the final goal When we find...

Somewhere over the rainbow 在那彩虹的另一端 way up high 苍穹之上 There's a land that I've heard of once in a lullaby. 有一片曾在摇篮曲中提起的土地 Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue 在那彩虹的另一端 有着蔚蓝的天空 And the dreams that you da...

新京报讯 北京时间1月12日,“打雷姐”Lana Del Rey新专辑《Chemtrails Over the Country Club》的同名曲MV首播,并在网易云、QQ音乐等平台上线,据悉,新专辑确认在3月19日发行,一共收录11...

Fireworks explode over the London Eye during New Year's Eve celebrations in UK on Tuesday. [Photo provided to China Daily] London ushered in the New Year with its annual fi...

爱莉安娜演唱了绿野仙踪经典歌曲《Over the Rainbow》,带领全场一起从哀伤的雨中走向放晴之后的彩虹彼端,重新找回生命的力量。这一幕暖了所有人的心 这一场曼彻斯特慈善演唱会有许多感人的花絮,由于英国演唱会前不久又再度发生恐怖攻击事件,警方调度大批警力来严...

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